“I’ve Had a Baby” Is Just An Excuse For Discomfort In Your Body
Mar 09, 2021
Picture this…
- You're experiencing low back pain.
- You pee your pants every time you laugh or sneeze.
- No matter how hard you try, your diastasis recti is not closing.
You feel stuck.
Does this visual describe how you feel about your body after having your little ones or as you're getting older?
Do you feel like the only answer as to why you're not getting results is because you've had kids?
Let me tell you, you’re not alone. There are more mamas that feel this way than you might think.
*My Instagram DMs are full of this same conversation!*
This inevitable feeling is the point where many women believe what their feeling is normal. They feel that it’s easier to say, “I pee my pants because I've had babies," or "I have to get used to this low back pain because I'm getting older," than doing the work to improve their health.
But that's not the way we do things around here, Ladies!
>>Recognize that you created healthy babies and now your body has something that you need to work to heal in a holistic and natural way.<<
But did you know that the biggest obstacle standing between your body and its optimal health is YOU?
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t face the reality of aging, but YOU have the choice to either let your body's discomforts run your life or learn how to move your body in a way that can improve your longevity.
So friend, get out of your head and tune into your body.
- Recognize that pain is there...and trust your body.
- Choose to be consistent…and trust your body.
- Understand that having babies and aging does not define your health… and trust your body.
Because you know what? You have to get out of your own way.
This episode is about overcoming what society has told you is normal…and it’s a reminder that you have the power to change how your body feels. Click play >>HERE<< to get the inspiration you need to improve your health!
Are you ready to receive the help you need to heal your body? I’m here to help you however I can, and today that means grabbing my free Pelvic Floor Guide. Why?
I want to help you feel connected, confident, and strong in your postpartum body.
This guide will teach you:
- How to properly engage with your pelvic floor
- The best way to activate your deep core and pelvic floor connection
- My secret to healing pains in your body
- …and more!
To get the help you need, click>>HERE<< to grab my free step-by-step Pelvic Floor Guide!