How To Recover From A C-Section
Apr 20, 2021
Mama, are you tired of feeling numb where your scar is from your cesarean birth?
*If you’re nodding your head yes, you're not alone!*
I've helped thousands of women just like you.
>>My unique training techniques are the same for women who have had or are going to have a vaginal delivery or cesarean section.<<
It's important for alllll women to learn how to properly strengthen their deep core so they can prevent and heal dysfunction in the body.
In this episode, you’ll hear me answer questions on:
- How you can prepare your body for a cesarean section during pregnancy
- What you can do to keep your core strength those first weeks after surgery
- How to get blood flow to your scar no matter how old your kids are
- And more!
Click play >>HERE<< to tune in to this replay of a Facebook Live I hosted!
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