Glucose Is More than Diabetes: Here’s Why with Kara Collier
Sep 21, 2021
My guest today is Kara Collier, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician with a background in clinical nutrition and nutrition technology.
I love Kara because she looks at health from four pillars: diet, exercise, sleep, and stress.
Kara helped start the company NutriSense where she is now the Director of Nutrition. She is the leading authority on the use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology, particularly in non-diabetics for the purposes of health optimization, disease prevention, and reversing metabolic dysfunction.
In this conversation, you'll hear us primarily discuss the importance of tracking your glucose levels and how that correlates to your health... and you'll hear Kara's incredibly insightful story of what led her to practice nutrition after working in hospitals.
>>My biggest takeaway from our interview is that you don't have to have diabetes to track your glucose levels... this data is great feedback for how our behaviors impact our metabolic health.<<
To learn what to look for when tracking your glucose levels, click play >>HERE!<<
In this episode, Kara talks about a CGM (continuous glucose monitor). Click >>HERE<< to sign up for yours and use code ERICA25 to save $25 off your order!
Did you enjoy this episode? Kara and I want to hear from you! Tag us in your Instagram Stories @ericaziel and @karacollier1.
Kara Collier is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician with a background in clinical nutrition, nutrition technology, and entrepreneurship. After becoming frustrated with the traditional healthcare system, she helped start the company NutriSense where she is now the Director of Nutrition. Kara is the leading authority on the use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology, particularly in non-diabetics for the purposes of health optimization, disease prevention, and reversing metabolic dysfunction.