Their Beliefs Won’t Heal Your Body
Dec 14, 2021
Listen… People have their own beliefs that they want you to put on you and the logical side of your brain EATS. THAT. UP.
The more you tell yourself a narrative, the more that narrative becomes your reality:
- I am the only one going through this.
- I don't have time to fix my body.
- This is something that I will always have to live with.
These opinions will always exist, but no one else can make a choice for you and your body besides you.
- What if my body can heal?
- What would it look like to reframe my time?
- What would improve in my life when I become healthier?
If you're struggling with the beliefs of others (or your own) about your health, it's time to let go of that doubt.
>>I recorded this episode with the hope that you’ll be inspired to believe in your body's ability to heal, despite the opinions that others have placed in your head.<<
Ready for a loving kick in the pants? Click play >>HERE!<<
If this encouraged you to take CONTROL of your health, then you need to grab my free Pelvic Floor Guide where I give you step-by-step instructions on how to strengthen your pelvic floor. Grab your guide >>HERE<< and begin healing your body from the inside out.