Exercise Education Part 3: What Do Ab Exercises Have To Do With Your Pelvic Floor?
Mar 15, 2022
By now, you probably know that me and Jen (Core Rehab and Knocked-Up Fitness Coach) are passionate about teaching women about their bodies.
>>We believe that body awareness is the key to healing and preventing dysfunction, and this series was created to educate you on proper movement techniques so you can feel stronger and empowered in the decisions that you make for your body.<<
In Part 1 of the Exercise Education series, you learned about common mistakes that people make with high-intensity workouts. Then, in Part 2, you learned how to maximize your cardio training.
This has all led up to Part 3 of this discussion which is all about core training!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The positives of deep core training
- Why you shouldn't do crunches
- What your deep core is
- The secret to a flatter stomach
and more.
Ready to get educated on all things deep core? Click play >>HERE!<<
Ready to learn how to prevent and heal your body then join my Core Rehab Program here! If you are a movement professional check out my Instructor Training Courses here!