Exercise Education Part 4: How To Modernize Traditional Pilates
Mar 22, 2022
Since you started taking action on what you've learned throughout the Exercise Education series, you're aaaaalmost a movement pro now.
But there are just a few more styles of workouts to bring awareness to, and then we'll close out this series with how you can modernize traditional Pilates!
>>Pilates is the foundation of what all of my programs are based on.<<
In the same way that there are misconceptions with other forms of movement that we've talked about, there are also misconceptions that lie within Pilates!
A few things that we discuss today are:
- What proper pelvic positioning is
- How to properly do flexion
- Why stretching could lead to injury
- How rotational exercise can help and hurt you
If you've been following along in this series, you will notice that there’s some repetition in the topics that Jen and I have been discussing. There are good and bad things to all different styles of training but what it comes down to is how you are moving to make it effective for your body.
Want to learn more about old-school ways of Pilates training that are leading to dysfunction as well as our insight on how to correct them? Click play >>HERE!<<
To dive deeper into pelvic floor education, sign up for my free masterclass: The Pelvic Floor's Role In Healing Your Body! I will go through the anatomy of the female body as well as brain training to open your eyes to how everything in the body is connected. Click >>HERE<< to save your seat and join me LIVE.