Perimenopause, Menopause: Change the Way You Age with Debra Atkinson
May 03, 2022
“What I used to do doesn't work anymore…”
That phrase is what my guest today, Debra Atkinson, has heard over and over again from mid-life women... Yet they keep doing it.
So how do you get over the way you look as you age and instead feel empowered by the way you feel?
That’s exactly what you’re about to hear today… and how you can use her movement and nutrition tips to create a better version of yourself during perimenopause or menopause!
Debra has helped over 250,000 women *flip* their second half with the vitality and energy they want through her bestselling books, speaking engagements, and podcast, Flipping 50, an AARP top podcast for 50+.
She founded Flipping50 and has helped women get the energy and the vitality they want, need, and deserve as they reach menopause and beyond.
>>As you can tell, Debra Atkinson is a unique guest on the Core Connections Podcast, and that’s exactly why I enjoy talking to her!<<
Debra was an instructor of mine at Iowa State University and I am so excited to get to learn from her once again!
Our conversation is all about letting go of your younger health habits to be in better control of your mid-life hormone changes and feel empowered as you age.
I know you’re going to take something away from Debra, so let’s jump into the conversation >>HERE!<<
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Wellness Coach, Hormone Balancing Fitness Expert, and Flipping 50 founder Debra Atkinson has helped over 250,000 women “flip” their second half with the vitality and energy they want. She’s the bestselling author of You Still Got It, Girl: The After 50 Fitness Formula for Women; Navigating Fitness After 50: Your GPS For Choosing Programs and Professionals You Can Trust; and Hot, Not Bothered. Debra hosts Flipping 50 TV and the Flipping 50 podcast, an AARP top podcast for 50+. She is a frequent speaker and TEDx presenter of Everything Women in Menopause Learned About Exercise May Be a Lie.
She has 38-years of full-time fitness experience and is an international fitness presenter for associations including International Council on Active Aging, IDEA, NSCA, Athletic Business, and CanFitPro. She’s an American Council on Exercise Subject Matter Expert, and a prior Senior Lecturer in Kinesiology at Iowa State University. Debra is also the founder of and the creator of the Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist program for fitness professionals. She’s a frequent contributor at HuffPost, ShareCare, and other featured outlets and on the Education Advisory Board for