How to Enhance Your Fertility with Autoimmune Disease

core connections Jan 17, 2023

Are you wondering if your autoimmune disease affects you trying to conceive?

Whether you have an autoimmune disease or you're wanting to improve your fertility, you can prepare your body for conception through the foods you eat, the daily products you use, and your mindset.

It is amazing how the body can heal, but it starts with you believing that your body can heal and you wanting to heal your body.

In this episode, Jen shares her autoimmune story, including:

  • Autoimmune symptoms Jen experienced
  • Inflammatory foods Jen cut out to improve her fertility
  • Why Jen feels her best during pregnancy
  • How Jen is using her story to empower women 

and more.

Without further ado, click play >>HERE!<<

Jen and I have many conversations like this inside our Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal Membership. It's designed to not only help women stay strong during pregnancy but prepare their bodies for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery.

There’s nothing we love more than to help women like you feel their best, so join Knocked-Up Fitness today and let us help you!

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