How to Reduce Bladder and Vaginal Infections with Dr. Betsy Greenleaf: Part 2
Jul 25, 2023
In the last episode with Dr. Greenleaf, she explained what is causing your pelvic pain and how to relieve it without surgery or antibiotics because most of the time the site of the pain is rarely the source of the pain.
(Didn’t listen to the last episode? Click >>HERE<< to give it a listen!)
But we weren't done with this vaginal health conversation just yet, so let's dive into part 2.
You’ll wanna listen in if you’re curious about what Betsy has discovered about recurring bladder and vaginal infections and her top tips on how to begin preventing them (starting with toilet etiquette).
She also talks about her free virtual Happy V@g!na Rally from August 10th to 13th where there will be 40+ menopause and pelvic health (including myself!) revealing proven solutions to having a healthy vagina...this episode is a GOOD one, ladies. Click >>HERE<< to hear about:
- [04:58] The explanation of Betsy’s findings when studying the vaginal microbiome to get rid of vaginal infections
- [08:34] How bladder infections are similar to vaginal infections and the impact antibiotics have on healing these infections
- [14:16] The ideal way to wipe and tips to prevent UTIs on the toilet
- [20:41] How hovering over the toilet in public restrooms is encouraging UTIs and debunking the need to hover in the first place
- [23:18] The one thing about vaginas that Betsy wants you to know
- [26:04] How you can get your health, your vagina, and your sexy back
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!
If you'd like to attend Betsy's Happy V@g!na Rally, register >>HERE<<. You can also follow Betsy on Instagram at @drbetsygreenleaf_ and listen to her previous episode on the Core Connections Podcast >>HERE<<.
Dr. Betsy Greenleaf is a trailblazing leader in women's health, bringing pelvic peace, hormone harmony, sexy sizzle, and crazy confidence to busy women. With over 20 years of experience in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, she's a best-selling author, award-winning speaker, entrepreneur, and inventor. Dr. Greenleaf takes a holistic body-mind-spirit approach to healing and wellness. She believes many of the answers to a healthy life are found within. She views her role in life as your wellness guide.