How to Get Your Newborn to Sleep Better with Kim West
Sep 12, 2023
Ok, ok, so if you listened to my recent conversation with Kim (Episode 282: The System You Need for Toddler Sleep Training with Kim West), you might have asked yourself: At what age should I start sleep training my child?
In other words: what can I do now to help my baby sleep (and me) better?
If that was your question, then this episode is for you, my friend. Grab a notebook or open a Google doc and get ready to take some notes as Kim shares her evidence-based ways to get your newborn AND you to sleep better.
Click >>PLAY<< now to hear Kim and I talk about:
- What age is ideal to start sleep training your child
- Setting realistic expectations for newborn sleep training
- Should you be co-sleeping or not
If you'd like to get a copy of Kim's Gentle Newborn Sleep Guide, visit to order and receive special book bonuses. You can also follow Kim on Instagram at @thesleeplady and listen to her previous episode on the Core Connections Podcast about her sleep training system right >>HERE<<.
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now or watch the episode below!