How to Keep Children Healthy at Daycare and School with Jill Rowe
Oct 10, 2023
Do you ever feel like your family is always sick?
In this episode with Jill Rowe, we didn't shy away from the hard conversations. Jill and I discussed chemical fragrances, air quality in schools, ways to boost children's immune function, and how sugar and dyes affect children's behavior, which are all related to the overall health of your children and yourself.
Jill's parents have a combined 60+ years in public school education and saw firsthand how hard working in the public school system was. Instead, she became a speech therapist where she visited children in daycares and schools.
Her heart would break seeing how unhealthy children were in these environments and as a speech therapist couldn't make progress with them because the child was not well.
She knew something was not right.
One night she was scrolling on Facebook when she came across a recipe for elderberry syrup (and no, it's not the kind you put on pancakes). Despite cooking not being her thing, she saved the post that would change her life.
How did it change her life, you ask?
When she began to take it regularly, she stopped getting sick, stopped taking antibiotics, and stopped waiting for health issues to arise. She shared her new kitchen concoction and results with her Facebook community and they began demanding to get their hands on this elderberry syrup.
Jill quickly realized that she wasn't alone. Other parents were tired of their children always being sick and trusted her with a solution.
Rowe Casa Organics was created by pure accident, but it started out of concern for children being exposed to toxicity in their environments at such a young age.
Do you know what is causing toxic environments? Jill and I have an open conversation about ways you can improve these environments that your children are spending hours a day in and how to educate children to be responsible for their health.
Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and:
[03:41] Jill's career path that accidentally led her to start Rowe Casa Organics.
[12:00] Following your intuition and trusting that everything happens for a reason.
[14:25] The importance of not using products with chemical fragrances in them.
[17:34] How air quality in schools is suffering and why it matters for our overall health.
[22:20] Ways you can improve air quality for your kids in school when you have little control of the environment.
[26:09] How bleach is destroying children's fragile immune systems.
[29:50] The impact hand sanitizer has on our body's microbiome.
[36:46] How to boost children's immune system and immune function.
[39:52] How sugar and dyes are affecting children's behavior and their health symptoms.
[44:46] The importance of educating children on what they are putting in their bodies.
[51:01] The importance of incorporating movement throughout your child's day so their mind, emotions, and bodies can operate better.
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!
Jill Rowe is the founder and co-owner of Rowe Casa Organics, a company that strives to provide the best, all-natural, and effective products to help others thrive and live healthier lifestyles. In 2017, Jill started to create all-natural remedies for her family of five and after sharing the effectiveness of these remedies with friends, the Rowes soon had cars lining up on their street to pick up products. Jill’s health journey took a shift when she was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 8.5 months pregnant and dove into research about natural health. Jill’s unwavering commitment to health and education continues to resonate with a huge and ever-growing following. This passion and drive has blessed Rowe Casa Organics to fulfill over 1 million products worldwide.