Learning about IV Therapy with Amanda Kramme
Dec 12, 2023
I’m thrilled to share the latest episode of Core Connections with you! I had the pleasure of connecting with my dear friend and owner of vIVid Mobile IV, Amanda Kramme. Next week we'll be dropping an episode about ozempic® that I can't wait for you to hear.
I have been going to vIVid Mobile IV for a little over a year and have been experiencing the amazing and rejuvenating benefits on my body and mind.
Amanda describes IV therapy as akin to the familiar concept of heading to the hospital or urgent care for a rejuvenating banana bag when you're feeling under the weather. That process is now being brought into clinics and homes.
She highlights the absorption rate of nutrients with IV therapy is at nearly 100% compared to the supplements you would grab at your local drugstore with a mere 5-30% absorption rate (depending on gut functionality). This means that you are going to experience the full benefits of IV therapy without the hassle of urgent care or the ER.
Sidenote: you'll DEFINITELY want to listen in to discover the secrets of NAD (hailed as the fountain of youth by Amanda) and its transformative effects on the body at a cellular level.
She delves into what might hinder you from fully embracing the benefits of IV therapy and shares her recommendations to prepare your body for maximum results.
This is a tool that I wish I had access to in 2018 when I was recovering from mold toxicity, so knew I had to open this conversation with the hopes of helping you heal your body and feel your absolute best.
If any of this information regarding IV therapy resonates with you or piques your interest, be sure to tune in to this episode for tips and advice on supporting your body and enhancing your overall well-being.
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!
Key Moments:
[03:17] An explanation of IV therapy and how it can revolutionize your health journey.
[04:45] Uncovering the benefits of IV therapy that will boost the function of your body and mind.
[07:43] The power of Vitamin C for immune function to ensure your body is prepared for prevention or recovery.
[12:41] How IV therapy can combat sluggish cellular function caused by toxicity.
[16:28] Understanding NAD and uncovering why opting for it in IV form might just be the key to unlocking a rejuvenated, youthful version of yourself.
[21:56] My personal experiences of taking NAD and the effects I noticed with my body.
[25:09] Amanda's powerful message for those considering IV therapy.
Hear all of this and more. Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!