Addressing Anxiety: Foot Zoning and Energy Frequencies with Heidi McKay
Dec 19, 2023
Have you ever wondered how to address anxiety holistically?
There's obviously many factors, but here's one not talked about enough: foot zoning and understanding energy frequencies within our bodies. Anxiety, often a blanket term for a myriad of emotions, can be approached with a holistic mindset and a unique healing method that goes beyond traditional practices.
But how do you do that?
In this episode, I had a conversation with Heidi McKay, founder of The Foot Zoning School, an online curriculum that easily invites more people to connect with the foot zone, whether it’s in at-home courses, practitioner training, or the online community for Foot Zoners. This is a space for anyone to easily connect and feel at home.
As you listen to this episode, you'll learn not only about the ancient practice of foot zoning, but you'll also hear the profound impact of energy frequencies on our mental and emotional well-being.
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[02:39] How Heidi went from foot zoning skeptic to an advocate of understanding how our bodies communicate.
[04:18] An understanding of what foot zoning is.
[07:21] The different zones on the feet that Heidi communicates through.
[09:09] Heidi discusses how foot zoning taps into energy frequencies and how we need to create a shift in our mindset from scarcity to abundance.
[12:34] How mindset plays a role in foot zoning to support the healing process.
[16:18] Heidi draws parallels between the seasons of the earth to feminine energy.
[20:21] Heidi shares her favorite essential oils that she uses for foot zoning and daily.
[24:13] An explanation of Heidi's multifaceted approach to anxiety and ways to overcome it.
[26:59] The importance of uncovering anxiety and normalizing the human experience for connection and resilience.
[34:39] The concept of foot soaks for mental wellness.
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