Fear’s Impact On Your Brain And Your Body
Mar 24, 2020
Fear has this ability to control your life...I know that all too well. *It can hover over your brain distracting you from your reality.*
With fear comes worry, stress and anxiety that begins to take over your daily life.
Listen, I get it, during these times of uncertainty fear can find its way into your mind in more ways than you'd like to admit. But one thing I know for a fact is that you have the power to choose how fear can affect your life.
>> We elicit stress responses + anxiety because of this fear of the unknown. <<
In this episode, we're breaking down what fear is, all that comes with it and how it relates to your body. Because fear is just another way to demonstrate how everything in your body is connected!
To clarify, fear embodies worry, stress and anxiety, but through awareness, visualization and being present you are able to approach life in more of a flow state.
Every time I catch myself speaking, thinking or reacting from a place of fear, I acknowledge it and then visualize how I want to approach this thought process in the future. For me, that means bringing myself back to the present moment and embodying what's in front of me.
So click >>HERE<< to find how you can overcome your fears! If you loved this episode, please leave a review on iTunes. Your reviews help the show get discovered by more amazing women and I believe that together we can make changes that result in a more empowered and fulfilled life.
If you're looking for my presencing exercise, you can find it >>HERE<< on my Facebook page!
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).