How To Do Pilates Swan Preps
May 19, 2021
Do you have a love/hate relationship when it comes to swan preps?
One of the biggest mistakes women make when they're doing this exercise is they think a bigger range of motion is better...this leaves them with back pain.
Ignoring what your body is trying to tell you could actually shut off the connection through the core while compressing the back.
However, thanks to fascia, you can work to create space along your spine and help you say goodbye to neck and low back pain when doing swan preps.
*Oh, Beautiful, you are in the right place.*
Let's talk through how to do pilates swan preps, shall we?
Start by putting your hands underneath your forehead and relax your entire body. Take a deep breath through your nose and guide it down into your low back to release any tension being held there.
It’s okay if you can’t get it there right away. This technique takes practice.
As you exhale, visualize your pelvic floor lightly connecting while your shoulders are relaxed. Keep this connection as you place your hands by your side with your head down on the mat.
Activate your glutes and quads so you can reach long through your legs. This technique helps to create more space through your psoas and hip flexors.
>>Check in that you’re not gripping your glutes because that can shut off your deep core.<<
Once you have the length through your body, gently draw your shoulder blades towards each other and feel elongation through the back of your neck and top of your head.
Don't force this! Move through a range of motion that feels good for your body.
Begin to lift your chest using your mid-back to bring your head up.
Keep your gaze at the front of your mat. If you look out any further, it can make your head go back too far and pinch your neck.
As you're lifting, keep pressure out of your hands. They are just there for support.
>>This movement should feel like your growing from your toes, through your pelvis, and lengthening out through the top of your head.<<
*That is the fascial line that we’re connecting with.*
On your inhale, lower partway down to let your shoulders relax and then exhale to lift back up.
Once you have completed your set, go back into a child's pose to release any unnecessary tension.
With these ques, you will be able to leave your neck and back pain at the door when you do your Pilates swan preps in your next workout.
If you want to learn more about how to minimize pain in the body, my best advice is to check in with your pelvic floor! Regardless if you've had a baby or not, the pelvic floor is the base of a lot of discomforts that go on in the body. Trust me, friend, I know that can seem daunting! That’s why I created my Pelvic Floor Guide. It will help you understand how to connect with your pelvic floor in a whole new way! Download it >>HERE<< so you can discover something new about your body.