How to Make the Biggest Postpartum Mindset Shift
Nov 03, 2020
Do you know what plays a big role in your postpartum success?
No, it’s not a belly band, secret pill or some magic fruit…
>>Mama, despite what you see on your Instagram feed, the biggest determining factor of your postpartum success is your mindset.<<
That being said, this episode of the Core Connections podcast is unique because Core Rehab coach Jen Chesnut and I discussed common questions that we hear from women inside our postpartum recovery membership and they all relate back to your mindset.
Friend, there is a reason you are here listening to this message right now because you need to hear this: You have the power to believe in yourself and believe in your body’s ability to heal.
I can give you all of the postpartum tools in the world, but if you don't understand how your mind impacts your body, then they won't work!
In this episode, you’ll hear Jen and I answer these questions:
- "How much time is it going to take to fix my body?"
- "What do I need for my postpartum recovery?"
- "When can I start doing high-intensity exercise postpartum?"
and more!
If you’re ready to overcome the mindset shifts that are holding you back from life-changing results, click play >>HERE!<<
Friend, on the inside of Core Rehab, the women that Jen and I coach are learning how to make their movement practice a priority. If you’re ready to join them, I have good news: I want to teach you How to Heal Your Pelvic Floor Without Surgery.
Yup…this free step by step guide will show you my exact training techniques so you:
- Learn how big your pelvic floor is
- Can properly activate your pelvic floor
- Can bring awareness to how you're holding your body
To grab this guide, click >>HERE<< and I can’t wait to help you begin to feel even BETTER than you did before having babies.
Jen Chesnut has worked in health, fitness, strength, conditioning, orthopedic, rehabilitation and sports medicine field for over 20 years. She found Core Rehab almost 5 years ago after she had her first son because she was dealing with knee, low back and pelvis pain. It wasn't getting fixed by using the standard protocol and knew she needed a Pilates-based program to fix her. Jen now leads our Core Rehab ladies inside our private Facebook group and monthly coaching calls to answer their questions and help personalize the program for them.
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regimen or purchasing any product(s).