Getting Started With Improving Your Digestion
Jun 23, 2021
Do you want to improve your body's ability to digest food?
*Oh, I feel you!*
Digestion and gut function play a huge role in your overall health.
Because, how I see it, a lot of the body's symptoms and dysfunctions come back to the gut.
>>But rather than ignoring your body's symptoms, let's do something about it!<<
Here are 5 ways to improve your digestion that will decrease inflammation, have you pooping regularly, and improve your pelvic floor function:
- Take bitters before you eat.
- Slow down while you're eating.
- Chew your food really well.
- Minimize drinking too many liquids during your meals.
- Reduce the stress in your life.
*Friend, the possibilities are endless!*
Improving your digestion will begin to show you what's possible for your body and not to mention you'll feel good doing it.
There’s more to a healthy digestive system than how you eat your food, but I've got you covered there, too! Check out my FREE Gut Health Bundle to learn more about supplements I recommend and the education behind WHY you may need to take them. Get access to it >>HERE<< and start improving your gut health today!