Make Your Health Your Priority
Oct 15, 2019
Less is more. This goes for sugar, Instagram scrolling and loads of laundry.
But not olive oil. You can never have too much olive oil.
This is the theme I want you to keep in mind as you listen to this episode on living a healthier lifestyle because the smallest adjustments can lead to the biggest results.
Are you ready to start making your health a priority?
Because if you are, you're in the right place! I'm talking to Kristina Godfrey to open up a conversation around daily movement, mindset + wellness to show you that everyone's version of health is different and we are all in a different place with our health.
But one thing we all have in common is the choice we made. The choice we made to make our health a priority. So pick one takeaway from this episode and start implementing it into your daily routine to start living better.
- The balance between life and health (5:45)
- How Kristina overcame a diagnosis by listening to her body (7:18)
- How to get the most out of your exercise class (12:29)
- How to prioritize your overall health through Kristina's morning + night routine (15:33)
- Taking care of your body on a deeper level as you age (24:15)
- Simple daily habits to start living healthier TODAY (27:07)
Kristina says that you can have your wine and drink it too! She strives to feel her best without having to live a life of deprivation. Can I get a heck YES!
Kristina and I have known each other for over eight years (where does the time go?!) and always have incredible conversation around health + wellness remedies that we are experimenting with. #healthgeeks
After overcoming a diagnosis and seeing what cancer did to her mom, I knew I needed to have her on the show to talk about prioritizing your health.
Not only your health, but the health space is always evolving. That's why I created this podcast! I want to get these conversations started + to help bring more awareness to your life and body.
So, if you ever have any questions or topics you want me to address, shoot me a DM on Instagram. I would love to hear from you!
Kristina Godfrey is a dear friend of mine who also owns and runs an incredible PR agency for over twenty years. She co-founded GSPR in 2010 and it quickly became one of the premier public relations agencies in the country. When she’s not getting her high profile clients coverage on top tier outlets like O Magazine, Forbes, The View, Ellen, the Today Show and more, she can be found at home in Newport Beach, California with her husband and three spirited boys.
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- Bye, Bye Body Bloat
- Gluten-Free... Fad or Lifestyle Change?
- Lion's Mane Elixir
- LiveOn Labs Liposomal Vitamin C
- Triple Calm Magnesium
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).