Embracing Life's Journey
Aug 29, 2018
This is a conversation that I have been wanting to have with you for a long time. Lately, I have been reminding myself about this journey of life that we are all on and how it relates to the way our mind works and how we move forward on our path. Before we get this conversation started, I want you to look back at your past as that is what has gotten you here today. I want you to be grateful for any mistakes, triumphs, overcomings and of course all the good that has all lead up to this moment.
“We have to work on not allowing our past to hold us behind for the potential that we have now and for the future.” – Erica Ziel
When you take each day, one at a time, you will start to understand the importance that each day has to offer. One thing I like to incorporate into my daily life is reminding myself what I'm grateful for. When you take the time to feel this gratitude towards certain aspects of your life, you will begin to find a greater meaning of what life has to offer.
“If we are always searching for something that is not here yet, we may always be searching.” – Erica Ziel
When you begin the Core Rehab Program, you begin a journey. This program is not designed to see how fast you can get through it, similar to life, it is designed to help improve the quality of your life. It's a lifestyle program that can help you change the way you feel inside and out.
It is not about being perfect because these imperfections that we all embody make us who we are. At the end of the day, it is about embracing our journey!
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).