6 Tips For Surviving Social Distancing
Mar 17, 2020
Want to know how to get a handle social distancing?
Here's the thing, this isn't just a need but a necessity to help keep everyone as healthy as possible. Including your family!
With all of the cancelations, closings and grocery store wipe-outs, it's important to get educated on the small steps that you can take while at home.
Here are my 6 tips to help destress, energize and stay healthy physically, mentally and emotionally.
1. GET GOOD QUALITY SLEEP. Getting good quality sleep is essential to keeping your mind and body on solid footing. If you have trouble quieting your mind or falling asleep at night try:
- Staying on a schedule
- Avoiding screen time for at least 60 minutes prior to bed
- Drinking a cup of chamomile tea at night
- Sitting down with a good book you've been meaning to read before bed
2. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Even though the upcoming days + weeks may not be at all what you were expecting or planning on, it’s important to be present and embrace the moment(s). Reframing the way you look at this time can help you get through it with less stress and anxiety. A few things that help me stay in the moment are:
- Minimize your exposure to social media. This can be really hard especially when you are trying to stay informed. Seek out quality news outlets for the latest updates so you are not sucked down an anxiety-filled rabbit hole.
- Take advantage of being home. Enjoy the time with your family by playing board games, watch some great classic family movies and don’t be afraid to create fun new memories! It’s all about making the most out of the situation.
- Go through a presencing exercise. Taking 5-10 minutes to just sit and breathe can drastically improve your mental, physical and emotional well-being. Meditation can be an extremely powerful tool in relieving stress + anxiety and can be done multiple times throughout your day!
- Stay active! I can’t stress this one enough! And...it’s easier than you may think! Just 10 minutes a day can help you destress, clear your head and feel physically + mentally ready to tackle the rest of the day! What better time to start committing to yourself when you can start working out in the comfort of your own home?!
3. GET MOVING! If you’re ready to get moving, enjoy my FREE Pilates Flow Workout >>HERE<<! If you love it (which I know you will) check out the workouts in Core Studio that can be a complete game-changer not only for getting you through these next few days + weeks but can also help tone, strengthen and transform your body for life!
4. LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C. Add a little extra Liposomal Vitamin C to your diet. You can do this by incorporating additional fruits and veggies into your day, but I also recommend adding a high-quality Vitamin C supplement as well. Here are a few I recommend and use on myself and my family:
5. GET SOME FRESH AIR. This is one is so easy to tackle. If you have a backyard, go out and walk around or play a game with your kids. If this isn’t an option for you, you can go sit on your porch or open your windows and allow some clean fresh air to get inside and help flush out any stale germs.
6. EAT GOOD QUALITY FOODS. With foods flying off the shelves, it may be harder to find fresh produce right now. In these cases, I recommend having canned or frozen beans, veggies, sweet potatoes, onions and steel-cut oats on hand. These foods are great staples for good meals that can help you get through the upcoming days + weeks. Other foods I recommend cooking with that pack a natural immunity boosting punch are:
- Garlic
- Greens + Veggies
- Sweet Potatoes
- Olive Oil
Whether you like it or not, the pandemic is real. And you know what...you can control how you let it affect you. Your health in your household starts with YOU. So, are you ready to take the necessary step to stay healthy? Then click >>HERE<< to tune into this episode. You're not going to want to miss this!
The material contained within is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before beginning a new regiment or purchasing any product(s).