What NOT To Do When Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor
Sep 20, 2021
Do you have a pet peeve? *Come on, I know you do!*
While I have some personal pet peeves, I also have professional ones, too. *I can't help it, I've been around the block a time or two!*
Let me explain….
From a professional standpoint, I hate to see women waste their time or money on quick fixes that do more harm than good to their pelvic floor. This is especially true when there are simple and proven techniques that work.
If you find yourself longing to heal your pelvic floor, I have to give it to you straight: Healing comes from taking a step back to reconnect with your body.
>>Anything that promises a quick fix is not healing that is sustainable.<<
Here are some of my biggest pelvic floor strengthening pet peeves that I wish women would stop doing to their bodies.
Sucking Your Belly to Your Spine
It’s a common question I see in my comments all the time: “Why shouldn't I suck my belly to my spine? It's what I've always been taught.”
My response is always the same: “It's doing more harm than good by shutting off the deeper layers of the pelvic floor.”
In order to strengthen the deep core effectively, you must create space through your body with simple posture improvements.
There is no better way to break an old habit than by starting a new one. And it's never too late to begin healing and strengthening your body in a way that you've never been taught before.
Tucking Your Booty
I know it can be tempting to tuck your booty to engage your core because that's how you've been taught in the past. But that simply isn't the case.
Tucking your booty causes misalignment of the pelvis and the inability to create a proper deep core connection. Let's think about that real quick...
Those two factors collapse your posture and put tons of pressure on your low back. That low back pain impacts how you function throughout your day and most women continue to push through the pain which only makes it worse.
When the low back pain continues to get worse, options women are given to start "healing" includes taking a prescription, going to a chiropractor, or even getting surgery.
Instead, focus on improving the way your hold your body.
When you bring awareness of the imbalances that your body is telling you about, it becomes clear what you need to do to correct old habits and properly strengthen your pelvic floor.
Gripping Your Glutes
Arguably the most damaging on the list: gripping your glutes. Glute gripping goes hand in hand with tucking your booty.
In order to understand why this is such a problem, you need to first understand how the pelvis and pelvic floor are involved in everything you do.
If you bring awareness to when you are gripping your glutes during daily tasks such as washing the dishes, doing a squat, or sitting you can correct it by releasing those muscles and connecting with your pelvic floor.
Once you connect with your pelvic floor, you will activate your hamstrings, lengthen out of your low back, and use your mid-back to support your head and shoulders. This gets your body to stop cheating!
Poor Posture
What have I kept going back to throughout this entire post? Improving your posture!
With whatever you are working to heal or improve in your body, posture is something you must address to strengthen your pelvic floor and enhance the way your body feels.
Correct posture is a lifestyle change that can get better no matter where you are at with it.
If you would like to dive further into how to PROPERLY strengthen your pelvic floor, I'd love to have you check out my Pelvic Floor Guide! Download it >>HERE<< and learn how to activate your pelvic floor throughout your day with my simple tips and techniques!